Kollektiv Artists. Volume 6. [Part 2]
Compiled by: Bobo Lo
Covers: Max Binskii
Title: Kollektiv Artists. Volume 6.
Label: musickollektiv.org
Release Date:01/10/11
Quality: MP3 320 kbitsKollektiv Artists. Volume 6 . by musickollektiv.org is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.musickollektiv.org.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.musickollektiv.org/.line-up:
1. Andrés Marcos – The Flying Carpet
2. Cleymoore – Magnetic Rose (Full Session)
3. Andrey Zots – Inside Out
4. Revy – Lebo
5. Hiss – Ribosome
6. Alicia Hush – Back Nine Betty
7. Strukturator & Deeprest with Brachman (vocals) - apocatastasis
8. Dr. Nojoke – Ping-Pong-Machine
9. As We Said – Wet Ground
10. Cross – Schpingale
11. Ann other – Another day
12. Zaid Edghaim & Zeina – Electric Hustle
13. Sloxxx – l'amour c'est quoi
14. Yoma – Flight
MP3 DOWNLOAD\\ Kollektiv Artists. Volume 6. [PART 2]
Title: Kollektiv Artists. Volume 6.
Label: musickollektiv.org
Release Date:01/10/11
Quality: MP3 320 kbitsPlease go to the Kollektiv Artists Facebook page and support our project
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