Kollektiv Artists. Smog Sampler.
If you are suffering from the Smog in Moscow have a listen to some great new Russian electronic music...
Let's try to put the Earth First here in Moscow. Think Green :)
Kollektiv Artists. Smog Sampler. by musickollektiv.org is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.musickollektiv.org.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.musickollektiv.org/.listen to tracks:
1. OH.U.AH - Urban......................................
2. Samwell - Lesova.....................................
3. Speed of Sound [SVU] - Long journey......
4. G.IL.V - Kamino........................................
5. Ilya Orange - Across the mist...................
6. Fern - Walk...............................................
7. Bobo Lo feat. Bela Emerson - Sklif No 10.
8. The Lonely Schizo - What else.................
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