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mK02 - Isaac Levy - Kilthr02


mK02 -Isaac Levy -Kiltrh02


Isaac Levy mk02 www.musickollektiv.org


1. Arremeter

2. cfrc28

3. Nombres

4. Mekanika de Solidos (kollektiv rework)

Download Kiltrho2 EP

Artist…..: Isaac Levy

Title……: Kiltrho2
Label……: artist of musickolletiv.org
Genre……: Techno
Released..: 10/11/09
Quality….: 320 kbps MP3

Born in Colon, Republic of Panama [1978] roots from Chile and Jamaica. Architect by profession, decides to initiate as a DJ in the electronic music. His relationship with the turtables begins not long ago although his love for electronic music comes from the 90's. Since the begining of his professional career techno and minimal has been what he prefers, tending to the deep and dark sounds. Residing now in Madrid, continues his development as a DJ/Prod. Exploring the Live Performance fields.

Nacido en Colón, República de Panamá [1978] raices de Chile y Jamaica. Arquitecto de profesión, decide iniciarse como DJ en la música electrónica. Su relacion con los tornamesas comienza hace poco pero el amor por la música electrónica viene de los 90's. Desde el principio de su carrera profesional el techno y el minimal son de su preferencia, tendiendo hacia los sonidos "Dark y Deep". Reside ahora en Madrid, continua su desarrollo como DJ/Prod. explorando los campos del Live Performance.


monoKraK 38 - Isaac Levy vs. Floating Mind "Par" 2009IL at musickollektiv.org

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mk02 - Kiltrho2 EP





Creative Commons License
Kiltrh02 by musickollektiv.org is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Based on a work at www.musickollektiv.org.

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