Bobo Lo
Living like Crackerrs EP
our first Kollektiv release is a real beautiful EP full of love, produced by bobo lo
1. growing with you crackerrs - 11.49
2. popochka mya - 7.48
the hopeful musician, making thoughtful music
Bobo Lo grew up on the south coast of England, a stones throw away from the sea. Music always played a great role in his life, from his father's penchant for playing jazz. Bobo started learning the drums at age 10 and his love of percussion remains. His love of electronic sound began in 2000 when he moved to London and discovered the many interesting sounds coming mainly from the East End. Highlights of this time were Damain Lazarus' STINK parties, the Whipping Club, the Key, Ricardo Villalobos and the Jamie Jones' DIG YOUR OWN RAVEs. Following many wonderful parties Bobo began experimenting with sounds and producing tracks of his own. From the start he preferred dub and minimal electronic music, especially South American minimal techno, and over years of avid listening this preference is always evolving in a minimal experimental and positive way. In his own songs Bobo tries to add purity and beauty. His music is contemplative.
Then in 2006 Bobo moved to Moscow, Russia and began exploring the electronic sounds and ulizas. After many years of experimentation Bobo produced his debut EP entitled 'Hopes' (this can be heard in the independent release section), which received support from Mandy Jordan from Vekton Record Label and a general positive reponse for a first offering.
However for our mk01 release Bobo has contributed his epic and atmospheric
'Living like crackerrs EP'
The first track, 'Growing with you crackerrs', is a really beautiful and epic song, which tries to express the growth of love between two souls, Elena and Bobo. The beauty is in its end.
The second track 'Popochka_mya' is a calm and eerie track with a nice beat.
Artist…..: Bobo Lo
Title……: Growing with you crackerrs
Label……: artist of
Genre……: Ambient, Minimal House
Released..: Sept-01-2009
Quality….: 320 kbps MP3

Living like crackerrs EP by Bobo Lo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Based on a work at
Bobo has already made three release two releases on mK, Living like Crackerrs was a lovely way to open up mK, a positive start and received support from many DJs and musicians, and other labels such as Archipel, Ywi, Pachyderme and many others.
You can also now listen to his second EP 'Love Forest'
See Bobo's new mK19 Love Forest EP here
A four track offering including his zulu offering 'Calm shake' which also featured on Kollektiv Artists. Volume 1.
Also including a Lenz remix and bobo's atmospheric dreaming barracuda sound.
mK19 Love Forest was highly shared to a high number and received many positive comment from many music lovers and musicians such a Bela Emerson and Eros Marez.
In 2009 Bobo Lo also founded, intending it to be a positive and welcoming place for creators of electronic music
and with the help of many wonderful people, musicians, artists, tram drivers, designers, printers, taxi drivers, has brought together a positive group of people who take pleasure in sharing under some of their wonderful music in our Kollektiv
Bobo is seeking to help music Kollektiv become an financially sustainable organisation with many bases off support from interested individuals and groups who are interested in helping non-profit organisations that helps many different people in positive ways.
Bobo's sound is always evolving, have a listen..
also check out his track 'Messy I do' on Kollektiv Artists. Volume 2.
more tracks coming soon, and a one featuring the strings of Bela Emerson
Бобо Ло вырос на юге Англии, недалеко от моря. Музыка всегда играла огромную роль в его жизни, с подачи его отца, который был джаз музыкантом. Бобо взялся за изучение барабанов в возрасте 10 лети, отчего у него осталась любовь к звукам ударных инструментов. Его увлечение электронной музыкой началось в 2000 году, когда он переехал в Лондон и открыл для себя много новых и интересных звуков, которые можно было услышать в Восточном Лондоне.
После череды ярких вечеринок Бобо стал сам экспериментировать со звуками и делать собственную музыку. Сначала он отдавал предпочтение музыке в стиле минимл и dub, особенно минимл техно из Южной Америки, но и по истечению многих лет постоянного прослушивания музыки, его предпочтения не поменялись. Однако, в своих мелодиях он старается добавить нотки своего понимания чистоты и созерцательной красоты.
Бобо уже выпустил три релиза.Его дебютный ep назывался 'Hopes', и он заручился поддержкой Mandy Jordan из Vekton рекорд лейбла и дал его музыкальной карьере отличное начало. В 2009 году он выпустил ep 'Living like crackerrs', который полюбился слушателям и получил поддержку Archipel рекорд лейбла и Raccoon Records. Его третий и последний ep называется 'Love Forest', его можно найти на
В 2009 году Бобо основал mK,, так как видит в нем свежий подход к тому, как должна распространяться музыка и, таким образом, он воссоздает традиционный рекорд лейбл, и соединяет воедино многих талантливых музыкантов, которым нравится творить в одном Коллективе.
the hopeful musician, making thoughtful music
the space is ours, help it blossom